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Ricardo Coronado Leija, D. Sc.
New York University


Revealing microstructural signatures using time dependent diffusion

Summary:  In this talk, we will highlight the importance of time dependent diffusion D(t) and Kurtosis K(t) to reveal non-obvious microstructural signatures of the tissue. We will show the usefulness of simulating D(t) and K(t) using Monte Carlo in order to investigate the geometry of the medium. We will also present the relation of D(t) parameters with axon morphology; and the structural signatures that can be extracted from D(t) in the extra-axonal space which could help to differentiate between normal axon packing, and pathological conditions such as axon loss and demyelination. Finally, we will discuss the need to move past models based on non-exchanging multiple-compartments, by showing how exchange reflects in K(t).







logos neurovision 2024